Spider Vein Therapy

Take Your Legs Out of Hiding

Gain back the confidence to show off your legs with Asclera®

Self-conscious about showing off your legs because of varicose or spider veins? It’s time to bring your legs out of hiding.

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Using a procedure called sclerotherapy, Musuma Healthcare and Medical Spa offers treatment for two types of veins in the lower extremities:

• Uncomplicated spider veins (very small varicose veins less than 1 mm in diameter)

• Uncomplicated small varicose veins (1 to 3 mm in diameter), known as reticular veins

Considered one of the most effective treatments for removing unwanted leg veins, sclerotherapy is non-surgical and minimally invasive. The procedure involves injecting a solution, Asclera®, directly into a vein, causing the treated vein to collapse and become less visible over a period of weeks. Over time, the treated blood vessel (vein) is then naturally resorbed by the body.

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Asclera® is an FDA-approved sclerosing agent that delivers quality and consistency. It is created using strict quality controls and has been evaluated for both safety and effectiveness.

The number and frequency of treatments depends on the size of the vessels and their location. Multiple injection sessions may be required for optimal treatment success. Our healthcare professionals will create an individualized treatment approach that is right for you.

Call (918) 964-7071 today and schedule a consultation to find out how sclerotherapy and Asclera® can help you treat unwanted spider and varicose veins.