PDO Thread Facelift

Lift Sagging Skin Without Surgery or Downtime

We are excited to offer PDO thread facelifts exclusively at Musuma Healthcare and Medical Spa.

A PDO thread facelift is an effective non-surgical treatment that uses dissolvable sutures to lift and tighten sagging skin for results similar to a facelift but without the recovery time.

Polydioxanone or PDO threads are a synthetic absorbable surgical suture that is inserted into the subcutaneous layer of the skin and instantly tones and tightens the skin. At Musuma, we use NovaThreads, which are the most advanced PDO threads on the market.

One of the safest materials to be implanted in the body, PDO threads are used to temporarily enhance the appearance of the treated area. 

PDO threads can very effectively:

NovaThreads Logo.png

• Improve the quality of the skin.

• Redefine the contour of the face.

• Reduce roundness.

• Reduce wrinkles.

• Lift sagging skin in the checks, jowls and neck.

• Stimulate collagen production.

How Does the Treatment Work?

PDO threads help redefine facial contours and induce collage production. They also stimulate new collagen production thereby enabling restoration of lost collagen. Stimulation reaches full effect about three months after treatment, once collagen has naturally formed around the thread.

A recent study by The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery shows that the thread is safely absorbed within 4-6 months, and by month 7, the collagen present in the treated area increases by 100 percent. Results may last between 8 and 14 months.

What Happens During the Treatment and How Long Does It Take?

Local anesthetic is gently injected into entry points for the threads. The PDO threads are introduced using a delicate needle or a fine microcannula. You will be able to resume everyday activities in a couple of days.

Great results can also be achieved by combining PDO threads with dermal fillers or neuro-modulators. Treatment time can very between 20 and 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated.

If you’re interested in tightening and lifting loose or sagging skin on the face and neck and improving overall facial contour, call Musuma Healthcare and Medical Spa at (918) 964-7071 to schedule a consultation to see if you are a candidate for a PDO thread facelift.